Day: December 15, 2013

Over in 80 seconds- Colorado’s school shooting

crypticpunk [krip-tik] [puhngk]

Karl Pierson, 18, killed himself just one minute and 20 seconds after entering a suburban Denver high school because he knew a sheriff’s deputy assigned to the school was closing in, authorities said. The rampage might have resulted in many more casualties had it not been for the quick response of that deputy sheriff who was working as a school resource officer at the school.

The rampage might have resulted in many more casualties had it not been for the quick response of a deputy sheriff who was working as a school resource officer at the school, Arapahoe County Sheriff Grayson Robinson. said.
Lessons of Columbine and other school shootings helped in Arapahoe

Once he learned of the threat, he ran — accompanied by an unarmed school security officer and two administrators — from the cafeteria to the library, Robinson said. “It’s a fairly long hallway, but the deputy sheriff…

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Sunday Contemplation (15 Dec 13)



A few random thoughts for today…..


—  What happens if only a few people sign up for ObamaCare, will that be like a jury nullification or should we be expecting an insurance company bailout?


—  when did we, as a country, give up on the free market system that provided so much wealth and hope to our ancestors?  If health care is too expensive, regulating will lower costs, How?  If the government was going after drug companies, doctors , and lawyers and other corrupted aspects of the health care system, I could get behind that, but more regulations will only clog up an already convoluted system.

If Uncle Sam was so keen on ‘helping’, would not a better path been for them to open up medical schools to increase the number of doctors, nurses, and techs, thereby increasing competition in the medical field, thereby lowering costs and increasing efficiency (You know the whole basis of our free market system).  There are other things the government could do to help the economy without intervening in the economy directly, that would be beneficial.


—  On the whole concept of crime and justice, recently a 16-year old was assigned 10 years probation in a case where he had killed 4 people while driving under the influence of alcohol (three times the legal limit).

The defense claimed “Affluenza defense“, in essence, the boy could not be held accountable for his actions, because his mummy and daddy were rich and spoiled him, and in doing so he was unable to be able to tell the difference between right and wrong.  First, doesn’t that open up his parents to a wrongful death suit?  Second, if this boy is not accountable to himself, who is he accountable to?  If he is not accountable to anyone, then he should not be running around in public, period.  He would then be akin to a rabid animal, a danger to society.


—  We advocate for a system that is part punishment and part rehabilitation.  While we strongly support a rehabilitation portion, we also want a punishment that is without a doubt a severe punishment.  Without a clear definition of punishment in the mind of the convicted, we rightfully fear that they will become repeat offenders.


—  There are so many things wrong with society these days, I wonder the direction we will go, are we doomed to the scrap heap of history like the Roman Empire, or will we dig in and stave off the inevitable for another generation or two?


— Have you ever wanted to own your own unicorn, or maybe buy one for your girl?  Well craigslist to the rescue…for the low low price of $930,000 each, and there is 2, which must go together, if that is too rich for your blood, maybe the unicorn eggs are more reasonably priced.  [Link]

Black Ineptitude

“he who should be impeached”, I love that.

PA Pundits International

For several decades now, black Americans have been indulged like toddlers and treated like China figurines, and not just by liberals, although it seems to me it began under Lyndon Johnson, with Hubert Humphrey serving as the main enabler.


It was under LBJ that new welfare laws pretty much booted black men out of the house by denying welfare to black families if there was a male adult under the roof. As for Humphrey, he was the loon who said that if Affirmative Action led to racial quotas, he would sit down and eat the bill for breakfast. Inevitably, it led to quotas, and, naturally, as is always the case with a liberal’s promises, Humphrey never even ate a little crow.

The next thing we knew, black speech that replaces “are” with “is” and with “they be,” was being called Ebonics and was being referred to…

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