Scott Walker: No Degree -No Problem

youngblkrepub's Blog

It’s been a while since I posted on my blog, I’ve been experiencing a case of extreme writers block. Then it occurred to me to me to start blogging my facebook rants! Here you go folks!

So Democrats think that Scott Walker not finishing college is terrible thing? This is the elitist thinking of private school, ivy league idiot liberals. They are very Out of touch, not everyone can go to college, some people have to work!

College is not for everyone, Sean Hannity had to drop out of college for a while because he couldn’t afford college. Mark Zuckberg, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs all dropped out and odds are we’re all using their products right now in some fashion.

Funny Meme I made 🙂

People, big fancy Harvard degrees are no longer what they used to be, now days most Harvard grads are being laughed at for…

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